
A module to manage tables more easier.

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Welcome to the TableCare page.

This module allow you to manage your tables more easier. Book logo

Get the model:

Get the Roblox Model

API Documentation:

How to set up?

First, place the module script into the ReplicatedStorage. After, go in a Script or Local Script and put:

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare) -- or: require(game.ReplicatedStorage.TableCare)

TableCare.checksimilar(table1, table2) –> arg1: table, arg2: table

This function allow you to find all communs elements between 2 tables (table1 and table2) (Return a table with all commons elements)

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local table1 = {"banana", "apple", "berry", "mouse", "dog", "horse"}
local table2 = {"apple", "cat", "mouse", "fox", "fly", "give"}

local common_elements = TableCare.checksimilar(table1, table2) -- return a table.

TableCare.deleteall(table1, elements) –> arg1: table, arg2: string or instance or boolean or number…

If element value is equal to the elements argument then, it will be delete.

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local table1 = {"banana", "apple", "berry", "mouse", "dog", "berry", "horse", "berry"}

table1 = TableCare.deleteall(table1, "berry") -- return a table ({"banana", "apple", "mouse", "dog", "horse"})

TableCare.kiss(tab1, tab2) –> arg1: table, arg2: table

This function allow you to insert all elements of the tab2 (type: table) in the tab1 (type: table).

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local table1 = {"banana", "apple", "berry", "mouse", "dog", "horse"}
local table2 = {"orange", "cat", "ari", "fox", "fly", "give"}

table1 = TableCare.kiss(table1, table2) -- return a table ({"banana", "apple", "berry", "mouse", "dog", "horse", "orange", "cat", "ari", "fox", "fly", "give"})

TableCare.save_table(tab1, optional_id, optional_erase) –> arg1: table, arg2: string or number or nil, arg3: boolean or nil

Allow you to save tab1 (type: table) to use the table in another script with the function load_table. You can put the id in argument #2 (if not id then id will set automatically) and you can set argument 3 to true if you want to erase an old saved table with the same id. (return the saved id)

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local table1 = {"banana", "apple", "berry", "mouse", "dog", "horse"}

local save_id = TableCare.save_table(table1, 1, false) -- return id_value | The save_id is the argument 2. If you don't put argument 2, save_id will be automatically set.

TableCare.meta_save(tab1, save_id) –> arg1: table

This function allow you to save a table and to load this table one time. When you load the table, the save will be destroyed.

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)

local tab1 = {"my", "name", "is"}

local get_table = {}

local save_id = TableCare.meta_save(tab1, 1)
get_table = TableCare.load_table(1, get_table) --> after, you can't load this table again

TableCare.load_table(table_id, table_to_load) –> arg1: table, arg2: number or string

load a saved table with the id (If you saved a table, id 1, so put 1 for the table_id argument (#1). The table_to_load is optional, it’s where the table will be “insert”. Use the TableCare.save_table() function before using this function.

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local copy_table = {}

copy_table = TableCare.load_table(1, copy_table) -- return a table.

TableCare.unload_table(table_id) –> arg1: table

Allow you to delete a loaded table with the saved table id. If I save a table with the id 1 and I will delete this save, I will use this function.

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
TableCare.unload_table(1) -- The argument #1 (1) is the saved table id argument (table_id).

TableCare.get_length(table1) –> arg1: table

Allow you to get the length of the table1 (type: table).

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local copy_table = {"hey", "my", "name", "is", "fox"}

local copy_length = TableCare.get_length(copy_table) -- return a number. (5)


Return a table with all saved tables (table id saved and the table)

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local SavedTables = TableCare:GetLoadedTables() -- return a table with all saved tables inside.

TableCare:LoadCareFor(table1, optional_custom_table_name, optional_basic_index) –> arg1: table, arg2: string or number, arg3: string or boolean or number

This function allow you to set add functions for the table, sub functions… Allow you to use the NewIndexAdded event (to detect when an index is add for your table)

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local actualTable = {}

actualTable = TableCare:LoadCareFor(actualTable, "My New Name Is This", 0) -- Argument 2 set the string return when you print the table.

TableCare.NewIndexAdded:Connect(function(table, index, value)
    print(tostring(table) .. " have a new index " .. index .." and the value is " .. value

TableCare:UnloadCareFor(table1) –> arg1: table

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local actualTable = {}

actualTable = TableCare:LoadCareFor(actualTable, "My New Name Is This", 0) -- Argument 2 set the string return when you print the table.

actualTable = TableCare:UnloadCareFor(actualTable) -- turn off new parameters...

TableCare:TrackIndexPlayer(table, optional_bind_id, player, optional_erase) –> arg1: table, arg2: string or nil, arg3: player or player_name (string), optional_instance: boolean

This function allow you to know when a player is set to your table.

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local table1 = {}
table1, event, bind_id = TableCare:TrackIndexPlayer(table1, nil, "Tom_minecraft", false)

    print("Plaeyr is set to the table")

TableCare:UntrackIndexPlayer(bind_id, tab1) is used to stop the event.. (unbind). –> arg1: string or number, arg2: table or nil

TableCare:TrackIndexInstance(table1, instance, optional_bind_id, optional_erase) –> arg1: table, arg2: InstanceType (string format), arg3: number or nil, arg4: boolean

Allow you to know when an Instance is set for your table.

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local track_instance_table, event, bind_id = TableCare:TrackIndexInstance({}, "Part", 101, false)

    print("The table got a part ( " .. part .. " !")

TableCare:UntrackIndexInstance(bind_id, tab1) is used to stop the event.. (unbind). –> arg1: string or number, arg2: table or nil

TableCare:TrackToFunction(table1, function_to_execute_when_call) –> arg1: table, arg2: function

Allow you to execute a function when the table is called as function.

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local myTable = {}

local function_to_execute_when_call = function()

myTable = TableCare:TrackToFunction(myTable, function_to_execute_when_call) -- return the table argument #1 but with new meta settings.

myTable() -- console will print "execute!"

TableCare:UntrackToFunction(tab1) –> arg1: table

Cancel a TrackToFunction function.

local TableCare = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.TableCare)

local tab1 = {"hey"}
local f = function() print("yey") end

tab1 = TableCare:TrackToFunction(tab1, f)

tab1() --> return in the output (console) : 'yey'

tab1 = TableCare:UntrackToFunction(tab1)

tab1() --> return an error in output (console) : 'attempt to call a table value' 

TableCare:ChangeIdentity(table1, table_name) –> arg1: table, arg2: string or number

This function allow you to set a table when the table is concat (..).

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local myTable = {}

myTable = TableCare:ChangeIdentity(myTable, "'yo my new name is this'")

print("my new table is "..myTable) -- return in the console: my new table is 'yo my new name is this'.

TableCare:PermanentLockToAccess(table1) –> arg1: table

This function lock the table and can’t be set by other functions like the ChangeIdentity functions, tracktofunction function…

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local myTable = {}

myTable = TableCare:PermanentLockToAccess(myTable) --> the table is locked and can't be set by meta tables

TableCare:SetDefaultIndex(table1, value) –> arg1: table, arg2: boolean or number or string or instance…

This function allow you to return a value if a player try to get an invalid index.

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local myTable = {"yo", "my"}

myTable = TableCare:SetDefaultIndex(myTable, "name")

print(myTable[1]) --> print in the console: yo
print(myTable[2]) --> print in the console: my
print(myTable[3]) --> print in the console : name

TableCare:SetIndexFunction(tab1, f) –> arg1: table, arg2: function

With this function, you can set a function when an invalid index is tried to get.

local TableCare = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.TableCare)

local tab1 = {"hey"}

local f = function(table, index)
	print("Trying to get ", tostring(index) .. ".")

tab1 = TableCare:SetIndexFunction(tab1, f)


This function return a table with all tracked events inside (like PlayerTracker…).

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)
local myTable = {}

myTable = TableCare:GetTrackedEvents() -- return a table.


This function clear all loaded tables.

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)


This function clear all tracked events can have errors for tables set with tracked events (patch is coming).

local TableCare = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TableCare)